A count of the total number of mitochondria within the bounds (694×1794, 1750×2460, 1004×1379).
In [1]:
import ndio.remote.OCP as OCP
oo = OCP()
In [4]:
token = "kasthuri2015_ramon_v1"
We can count annotated mitochondria by referencing the mitochondria
In [15]:
mito_cutout = oo.get_cutout(token, 'mitochondria', 694, 1794, 1750, 2460, 1004, 1379, resolution=3)
We can now use the built-in connected-components to count mitochondria.
In [16]:
import ndio.utils.stats as ndstats
In [17]:
c, f = ndstats.connected_components(mito_cutout)
In [18]:
print "There are {} mitochondria total in the annotated volume.".format(f)